Maiorana Costruzioni S.r.l.
Via Maio Mariano, 25
98057 MILAZZO (ME)
T: +39 090 9282031
Work Inquiries
T: +39 090 9282031

Lipari pier renovation

  • Client

    ENI S.p.A.

  • Execution period

    2021 - 2023

  • Location

    Comune di Lipari (ME) – località marina lunga

  • Purpose of the project

    renovation of a pier for a fuel distribution system for boats


The works involve the demolition of the existing pier and the construction of a new pier of larger dimensions in order to allow greater accommodation for boats and craft.

The works essentially consist of:

  • demolition of the existing pier;
  • factory manufacturing of the elements of the new pier;
  • assembly of the metal carpentry on site with the aid of suitable lifting means;
  • assembly of jacket tubes to protect the poles at the seabed;
  • application of two-component resin to protect the poles at the water surface.